Bank of England goes green

Bank of England goes green

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Fake news!!! But what else can you do when the central bank of a rather important country seems to have no clue whatsoever how to stop climate catastrophe?

Bankers and climate activists alike were surprised when the UK’s central Bank of England announced dramatic yet feasible changes accounting for climate risk—changes that would have brought its monetary policy into alignment with the Paris Agreement. The Bank of England press office seemed to corroborate the move on Twitter, and a "green" coalition of international banks seemed to joyously applaud the move. But then the (real?) Bank of England released an indignant spank-down of the "naughty culprits," noting that they wouldn't in fact try to protect us from doom. Yet that too was part of a hoax designed to pressure BoE to stand by its promises to lead on climate policy.

See selected press here, and the complete story here. Oh, and the (real) Bank's (real) response here. The era of respectable fake news has (re)begun!